Teaching Staff

Yuan Bihua

Release Date: 2017-09-22

Yuan Bihua, female, a doctor of Civil Law and Commercial Law of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, a professor and postgraduate tutor and a visiting scholar of Columbia University. At present, she holds the position of executive deputy director of JM Education Center and holds concurrent positions of member of China Commercial Law Society, member of Guangdong Civil and Commercial Law Society, Guangdong Economic Law Society and Guangdong Financial Law Society and a lawyer of Guangdong Hebang Law Firm. She is among the sixth batch of school-level cultivation objects in “1000-100-10 Talents” project for Guangdong institutions of higher education and the young and middle-aged core teacher of Guangdong University of Finance and Economic. She also serves as the representative of the 15th National People’s Congress for Zhuhai District of Guangzhou, deputy director of Legal Service Committee of Provincial Party Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, and deputy director of Guangdong University of Finance and Economic Branch of China Democratic National Construction Association. Her research direction is science of commercial law and focuses on science of company law and financial law. In recent years, she has published more than 40 academic papers in core periodicals such as Modern Law Science, Political Science and Law and Law Science Magazine. Parts of her papers have been reprinted in full text by Periodical Literatures Reprinted by Renmin University of China. She once directed 6 national and provincial projects, including projects supported by National Social Science Foundation and projects supported by Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China. She also participated in multiple national and provincial projects, published monographs and compiled multiple textbooks.