Department of Statistics

LI Zhen

Release Date: 2017-09-22

 LI Zhen is a lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou, China. She received a Doctorate of Science in School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, in 2011. Her research interest is single complex function theory and its application in Mathematics and Physics. She has published a number of academic papers in some important journals, such as Chinese Annals of Mathematics. In addition, she has participated in many National Natural Science Foundation of China、Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province and other city/departmental subject research. Her teaching courses are Complex Functions, Real Variables, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Calculus I / II, Linear Algebra, and so on. In 2014 she won the Top Ten Young Teachers award in the 4th teaching competition of young teachers held by Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. Moreover, she is involved in a province-level mathematical modeling team of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, and guide undergraduates' through Mathematical Modeling Contests at both national and international levels.