Information and Computing Science

Enterprise Application Developing

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Name: Enterprise Application Developing
Course Code: 109564
Credit Hours/Credits: 64/4
Student Body: Undergraduates majoring in Information and Computing Science 
Prerequisites: High-Level Language Programming, Data Structure and Algorithms and Database
Subsequent Course: 
Course Category: Specialty Basic Course
Assessment: final exam (70%) + participation & assignments (30%)

2. Course Introduction 

The course is a combination of theory and practice. The students are required to master the methods and skills required to design enterprise-level software using Java language through studying real cases and practicing. The main content of this course is (1) Technical specifications, pattern, framework of the enterprise application developing using JAVA language, (2) The use of developing technique such as JSP, servlet, JavaBean and struts framework, (3) Comprehensive utilization of the above techniques and the developing steps of the application under specific development platform (MyEclipse). Through the course, students will also master the most popular patterns of web architecture, and will be able to select the most suitable techniques for the specific developing tasks at hand.