
English Fast Reading

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.Basic Course Information

Course code: 090492
Course name: English Fast Reading
Course type: Fundamental course
Periods: 32
Credits: 2
Target students: Undergraduates majoring in English
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory courses: Integrated English I, English Extensive Reading

2.Brief Course Introduction

The course is a fast reading program intended for first year English majors. As the name suggests, this program helps students read fast and understand a variety of written works in English by offering materials that cover a wide range of topics and various genres. This course also helps students understand various aspects of English culture by focusing on the differences between Chinese and English culture. It is hoped that students will broaden their outlook as well as improve their reading comprehension and language competence through reading and discussing the course materials. This course offers fast reading training intended to help students improve their reading habit and master fast reading skills.