Applied Psychology


Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 201262
Course Name: Cyberpsychology 
Course Type: Major Elective
Periods: 32 hours
Credits: 2
Target students: Undergraduates of Psychology
Assessment: Evaluation

2. Basic Course Introduction

Cyberpsychology is a new discipline of Applied Psychology. The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the characteristics and trends of cyberpsychology. Students will learn about the introduction of cyberpsychology, the virtuality and reality of the cyber space, the psychology of online relations, the cyber anonymity and persona, online identification and gender reconstruction, online dating and online infidelity, internet harassment, internet addiction, personality and prototype of cyber space, blog, microblog and expressive treatment, internet games and gaming treatment, hacking and cyber crimes, share of information and altruism, the applied psychology of e-commerce, online education and psychological treatment, the applied psychology of e-government, and the development of cyber psychology.