
Human Behavior and Social Environment

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code:
Course Name: Human Behavior and Social Environment 
Course Type: Basic Specialized Course
Periods: 48
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Social Work
Assessment: Examination
Elective Course: Social Psychology

2. Brief Course Introduction

     Human Behavior and Social Environment which is the basic theoretical course for students majoring in Social Work provides rudiments of professional skills learning for those students. This course, based on the human-oriented idea and the mainline of life development, studies the relationship between human beings and environment biologically, psychologically and socially, aimed at encouraging students to deepen their understanding of the dynamic relationship between human behavior and social environment, and of the needs and behaviors of different groups, and laying basis for the further study of Social Work. The main content of this course includes the basic theories of Human Behavior and Environment, the physiological and psychological characteristics ,risk factors and main problems in different life stages, and environmental factors that influence human behaviors such as families, school, communities, friends and so on.