Chinese Language and Literature

Modern Chinese Literature

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code:203002
Course Name: Modern Chinese Literature
Course Type: Discipline Basic Course
Periods: 32
Credits: 2
Target Students: for undergraduates majoring in Chinese Language and Literature (business sectary)
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Course: None

2. Brief Course Introduction

    Modern Chinese Literature course is a Discipline Basic Course in college for those whose majors are Chinese Language and Literature (business sectary). This course teaches students basic content and main accomplishment of modern Chinese literature, certain ability of appreciating and analyzing modern Chinese literary works. The course applies the method that combines individual explanation with comprehensive review, focuses on important and famous literary schools and literary works that have specific meanings. The content of this course mainly includes the following: literary research society, creating society, crescent poetry schools, modern poetry schools, modern review school, new sensism, and other literary works related with Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Xu Zhimo, Zhou Zuoren, Zhang Henshui, Lin Yutang, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Cao Yu, Lao She, Shen Congwen, Dai Wangshu, Li Jieren, Ai Qing, Feng Zhi, Zhang Ailing, Qian Zhongshu.