Chinese Language and Literature

History of the Ancient Chinese Literature

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.  Basic Course Information

Course Code:121922  121932  121942  121952
Course Name:History of the Ancient Chinese Literature (Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ)
Course Type:Specialized Course
Periods:128 (32 periods per term, 128 periods in total)
Credits:8 (2 credits per term, 8 credits in total)
Target Students:for undergraduates majoring in Chinese Language and Literature
Preparatory Course:Selected Readings in Ancient Chinese Literature

2.  Brief Course Introduction

     History of the Ancient Chinese Literature is one of the basic courses for Chinese Language and Literature majors. Its main role is to, in four semesters; systematically teach students the four stages of Chinese literature, namely the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty, the Wei, Jin, North and South Dynasties, the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and the Ming and Qing Dynasties. By describing the development of literature from the Pre-Qin to the Qing Dynasty (before the Opium War) and analyzing the writers and their works, this course allows students to understand the skeleton of the development of ancient Chinese literature, master the basic concepts and knowledge of ancient Chinese literature, and acquaint with the fundamental phenomenon’s of ancient Chinese literature as well as the formation and evolvement rules of writers, works, schools, aesthetic tendencies, stylistic transformation and literature theories. What is more, it aims to make students be able to independently analyze relevant contents, further enhance their knowledge about our excellent literary tradition and improve their professionalism.