
Tax Planning

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.Basic Course Information

Course Code: 030242
Course Name: Tax Planning
Course Type: Specialty course
Periods: 32
Credits: 2
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring In Accounting, Auditing, Financial Management
Assessment: paper
Preparatory Courses: Tax Law, Primary Financial Accounting, Intermediate Financial Accounting

2. Brief Course Introduction

This is a very practical course; it is a combination of tax law, economic law, accounting, financial management, multi-disciplinary knowledge of macro- and micro- economics in an integrated curriculum. The course is in the faculty of accounting, taxation,introducing  the basic knowledge and principles, largely on the basis of domestic tax planning knowledge, as well as the  methods and skills, our main focus is based on current  tax calculation and accounting. Training students to solve practical problems in tax planning and tax accounting as well as teaching basic competencies in that field