1. Basic Course Information
Course Code: 20180102.
Course Name: Principles and Techniquesof Interaction Design
Course Type: Specialty Fundamental Course
Periods: 32
Credits: 2
Targeted Students: Students majoring in Digital Media Art
Assessment: Coursework + Exam
Preparatory: DSP Foundation/ Streaming Media Technology
2. A Brief Introduction to the Course
Principles and Techniques of Interaction Design is a speciality fundamental course for students majoring in digital media art. The purpose of this course is to direct students with the method of combining logical engineering thinking and aesthetic design of interaction design for holistic considerations through hands-on trainings.
Through practical skill drilling, students are expected to understand:
(1) the basic principles and technology of human-computer interaction, and the process as well as methods that interaction designers employs to create and control user experience.
(2) the human-computer interaction technology that promotes experience innovation, common human-computer interaction modes, and ways of information output for machines.
(3) the principles of interaction design, user behavior, conceptual model and system behavior logic.
In general, both principles and practices of human-computer interaction (HCI) design would be involved in the course. The course emphasizes natural user interface (NUI) interactive design concepts and covers the use of UML, UI prototyping, open-sources HW/SW (Arduino/Processing etc.) for interactive design practices such as lighting and internet telecommunication programs (ITP).