Applied Statistics

High-Level Language Programming (Ⅰ)

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 100484
Credit Hours/Credits: 64/4
Student Body: Undergraduates majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Information and Computing Sciences, Statistics and Applied Statistics.
Prerequisites: Basics of Computer Applications
Subsequent Course: Data structures
Course Category: Disciplinary Basic Course
Assessment: final exam (70%) + Participation & Assignments (30%)

2. Course Introduction

Its main task is to help students learning a programming language improve their programming skills and enable them to solve mathematical problems through the use of computer programming. This course covers the basic programming methods, data types and declarations, control flows, arrays, functions and a variable, structures, input and output, pointer, preprocessors, file pointers, bit computing but also aims to cultivate the students’ ability to debug.