Information and Computing Science

Mathematics experiment

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.Basic Course Information

Course Code: 109022
Course Name: Mathematics experiment
Course Type: Specialty Fundamental Course 
Periods: 48
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Mathematics
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: Mathematical Analysis, High Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations

2.Brief Course Introduction

Mathematics experiment is the main content of numerical calculation, optimization method, mathematical statistics, mathematical modeling, and the most basic mathematical software (such as MATLAB), which is a bridge between basic mathematical knowledge and the application of mathematics. Through the teaching process of "guiding case" knowledge→ software→ example→ experiment (practice), the model combines the following four elements: Mathematical modeling, Mathematical knowledge, Mathematical software and computer application. This course allows students to experience the whole process of solving practical problems by using computer and mathematical software.