Business English

Business English Workshop

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.Basic Course Information

Course Code: 090381
Course Name: Business English Workshop
Course Type: Specialty Course
Periods: 16
Credits: 1.0
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Business English
Assessment: In-class assessment
Preparatory Courses: Integrated Business English I, II; Introduction to Contemporary Business

2.Brief Course Introduction

Business English Workshop is a compulsory course for students majoring in Business English. The course aims to take authentic business practice into the classroom in a business communication process-oriented and student-centered approach. The students are required to practice their listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills in authentic business environments, and to apply their awareness of basic theories and principles in the fields of international business, economics, management and international laws into the various steps of business communication. They are aimed to be cultivated as practice-oriented advanced professional personnel with solid English foundation and systematic knowledge of international business.