Course Code: 092622
Course Name: Electronic Commerce
Course Type: Specialty course
Periods: 32
Credits: 2
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Business English
Assessment: in-class assessment
Preparatory Courses: Introduction to Contemporary Business
With the phenomenal growth of Internet over the last decade, having an online presence has become a primary concern of today’s business management that endeavors to reach out to its customers, collaborate with its partners and improve efficiency both in manufacturing and administration. Introduction to Electronic Commerce serves as an introductory course that aims to provide students with a broad overview and an insightful exploration of the roles of E-business in a modern corporation from different perspectives. Apart from being introduced the fundamental EC notions and applications, students will be exposed to innovative and practical E-commerce ideas and allowed chances to design their own E-commerce solution through in-class and out-of-class activities, plus a basic set of hands-on skills in developing a pilot E-commerce website.