Product Design

Animation and Game Derivatives Development

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 173353
Course Name: Animation and Game Derivatives Development
Course Type:Elective course
Credits: 3.0
Target Students: Product Design undergraduates
Assessment: Course Design
Preparatory Courses: Cultural and creative products development

2. Brief Course Introduction

The cartoon animation industry derives economic industrial profit and is also a driving force to promote the development of animation industry in our country. This course is based on the analysis of domestic and world-famous animation cartoon brand operation modes and research, combined with domestic and foreign classic cases. The course will focus on animation toys design for future practitioners with vivid lessons, starting from the design source to the entire animation design and marketing chain, meaning students will have a clear understanding of macro, for future employment, the foundation of theory and a basis in reality for employment.