Culture Industry Management

The History of Chinese Culture

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.Basic Course Information

Course Code: 032602
Course Name: The History of Chinese culture
Course Type: Specialty course
Periods: 54
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Management of Cultural Industries
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: Chinese History

2.Brief Course Introduction

The history of Chinese culture is one of the basic courses for the Culture Industry Management majors. It is based on Marxism and includes matter, inspirations, politics and system, as well as customs. According to eight historical phases: Xia, Shan, West Zhou, Spring and autumn dynasty; Qin and Han dynasty; Wei, Jin, South and North dynasty; Sui and Tang dynasty, Song, Liao, Xia, Jin and Yuan dynasty; the prophase of Ming, Qing dynasty, Opium Wars to contemporary China. The history of Chinese culture recounts the changes of Chinese culture, the processes of development, the important phenomenon's of culture, and the inherent connections of cultures. The course includes eight chapters. Chapter one: the origin of Chinese culture; chapter two: the formation of Chinese culture; chapter three: the development of Chinese culture; chapter four: the inner conflict and introjections of Chinese culture; chapter five: the flourishing of Chinese culture; chapter six: the blooming period of Chinese ancient culture; chapter seven: the expansion and transformation of Chinese ancient culture; chapter eight: the modernization of Chinese culture.