Information Management and Information System

Organizational strategy and behavior

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 112202
Course Name: Organizational strategy and behavior
Course Type: Specialty course
Periods: 36
Credits: 2
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Information
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses:

2. Course Introduction

This basic course is one of the management core professional courses. The course is the scientific study of the regularity of human psychology and organization behavior, with which to improve managers' abilities to predict, guide and control people's behavior in order to successfully achieve organizational goals and improve individuals' satisfaction. This course helps student’s in-depth understanding and grasp issues of psychological and behavioral characteristics and regularity of organizations' individual, group, team, and leaders. They learn to apply the theories and methods of psychology effectively motivate human behavior, and fully mobilize people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, cultivate and improve the ability to integrate theory with practice, thus effectively individual, team and organizational management.