Course Code: 110054
Course Name: Circuit and Analog Electronics Technique
Course Type: Fundamental Course
Periods: 80
Credits: 5
Target Students: Underground Majoring in Information Science
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses:
This course is one of the major compulsory courses for computer majors with the aim of improving the students’ ability to research the Circuit analysis theory and the electronics application techniques. This course systematically introduces electronics technique. It focuses on the basics of Linear Circuit, semiconductor, basic amplifier, multistage amplifier, differential amplifier, power amplifier, integrated operational amplifier and its application, negative feedback amplifier, analog operational circuit, and direct current (voltage) regulator , numeric coding, foundation knowledge of Boole algebra , combination logic circuit , sequence logic circuit. Special emphasis is placed on basic conception, basic theory and basic analysis method. The main purpose is to enhance the ability to analyses and solve related problems.