General Education

Animation design

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course code: 110572
Course Name: Animation Design
Course Type: Discipline-based Courses 
Periods: 32
Target Students: Undergraduate Students Majored in Insurance
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Course: 

2. Course Introduction

Animation design is an application course of computer aided drawing, animation and programming with the help of computer software. This course adopts Flash-animation production software designed by Macromedia Company, teaching students how to do from simple animation to complex interactive Web application design, including Flash's basic entry, graphics rendering and editing, animation, advanced animation, interactive animation, image sound and video processing, animation and other content testing and release.

This course uses a combination of teaching methods, which are used to focus on teaching and learning, the teachers' guidance and self - operation. The curriculum helps to expand students' knowledge in advertising planning, art design, web design and multimedia. It also helps to cultivate students' creative skills, develop students' space imagination and artistic creation.