General Education

C Programing Design

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 119603
Course Name: C Programing Design
Course Type: Fundamental Course
Periods: 48
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Administrative Management
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: Fundamentals of Computer and Application

2. Course Introduction

The C programming Language course is set up for some undergraduate students of non-computer majors, such as the administrative management major and the financial engineering major, etc. The course is the second level of the required course for the elementary education of computer in our college. The only prerequisite course is the course of the foundations of computer application.

Main contents in this course cover the basic knowledge of the C programming language, such as data types, operators and expressions, sequential programming, choice structure program design, cycle control, array, function, etc. Besides the basic knowledge of C programming languages, students should learn the basic concept on C programming language and methods and skills of programming through learning of this course. The students will master knowledge of high-level programming language, programming technologies and the basic algorithms. The most important purpose is to master program design ideas and methods and develop the skills of writing and debugging simple C programs. The students will have the basic ability of using computer to solve practical problems after finishing the course.

This course emphasize on the application of C programs. The students should pay attention to promote the ability of using C languages to solve real problems. Therefore, students will understand the basis of the basic grammar of C languages and master use compiling and debugging tools, strengthen the practical ability of using computer.