Electronic Commerce

Information Economics

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course code: 112043
Course Name: Information Economics
Course Type: Discipline-based Courses
Periods: 48
Credit: 3
Target Students: Undergraduate Students Majored in E-commerce
Assessment: Examination 
Preparatory Course: 

2. Course Introduction

Information economics is a required course of the undergraduate majoring in e-business. It is a new economics branch which was formed with the development of the information technology. It is the development of the traditional microeconomics and macroeconomics. The main contents of this course include the information economy, pricing information, versioning information, rights management, recognizing lock-in, managing lock-in, networks and positive feedback, cooperation and compatibility, waging a standards war, information policy, the impact of IT on organizational performance, IT adoption and usage, the key effect factors of the IT application maturity, and so on.