Department of Journalism

Mo Jiyan

Release Date: 2017-09-22

Mo Jiyan, Associate Professor in communication, is the member of the party committee and the Secretary of the Staff Party Branch in the School of Humanities and  Communication.  He was born in Guangxi Cenxi in 1971 and he is a communist. He has got the Bachelor of Arts degree in Guangxi Normal University and the Master of Arts degree in Jinan University, currently he is a PhD candidate in communication.   He teaches “Introduction to Communication”, “Marxist News Concept”, “Movies and TV Aesthetics Concept” and other courses. His main research interests are the communication theory and the history of communication involving literary aesthetics and other areas. He is in charge of four city- or school-level projects in teaching and research and social sciences, eight provincial and ministerial-level or above projects including the major National Social Science Foundation program, and five provincial-level projects in teaching quality and teaching research and reform. He has published about 20 theses on “Contemporary Communications”,  “China Radio and TV Academy Journal”, “Television Studies”, “ News and Writing”, “Press Circles”, “Youth Journalist”, “Journalism Lover”, “News” , “Military  Correspondent”, “Public Opinion Observer” and other core journals. Many of his theses titles appeared on the cover of these journals.