Course Code:
Course Name: The Qualitative Research Method
Course Type: Specialty
Periods: 54
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Social Work
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: The Research Method of Sociology
The research method of qualitative analyzes the quality of material and it aims to answer the fundamental question of “what it is” and “why it could happen”. Therefore research could be expressed in language and reveal the characteristics and quality of researched object.
This course states the quality and content of qualitative method and explains the theories and examples of method including basic thinking measures (of systematic, historic and comparative), logic measures (of deduction and induction) and specific measures (of experiment, observation, documentation, case study and fielding study) which could help students command the basic measures of qualitative method and understand the way to design research, collect and analyze the data. Therefore this course establishes the basis for the writing of graduation thesis and creative study of sociology.