Radio & TV Editing and Directing

Introduction to film and TV aesthetics

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1.basic course information

Course code: 129622
Course name: Introduction to film and TV aesthetics
Course type: specialization
Periods: 36
Credits: 2
Assessment: exam

2.brief course introduction

Introduction to film and TV aesthetics is one of the basic course for undergraduates majored in radio and television. The main content of film and TV aesthetics is to appreciate and comment the basic principles, basic knowledge and basic skills of film and TV arts, which includes the basic features and constitute of the film and TV arts, as well as the basic laws of the appreciation and commentary of film and TV arts. The purpose of this course is: to know the basic knowledge and theories of film and TV arts, to know the components of film and TV arts, to master the basic laws when conducting the appreciation and commentary of the film and TV arts, to develop and advance the aesthetic ability for film and TV arts. Credits for this course are two points, the curriculum content and the assessment objectives are the teaching materials designated by this outline and some corresponding contents.