Chinese Broadcast Announcing & Anchoring Art

Body Posture Training

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course code: 129954
Course Name: Body Posture Training
Course Type: Compulsory Specialized Course
Periods: 64
Credits: 4.0
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Broadcasting and Hosting
Assessment: Test
Preparatory Course: 

2. Brief Course Introduction

This course is a basic subject for the students majoring in Broadcasting and Hosting. It aims to prepare students for better muscle control, physical coordination, and sense of rhythm, sense of space, and ability to express idea with body language. 

Body Shaping will expose students to physical training, posture training such as walking posture, standing posture, and sitting posture, physical coordination training, and body language training such as facial expression and body movement, and so on. It also exposes students to dancing and drama practice, and the knowledge of characteristics of anchoring communication in TV programs and stage performance.

Course Learning Outcomes:
On completing this course, students will be able to: 1. Improve individual physical control and expressive ability.2.Cultivate individual decent posture and grace.3.Strengthen the ability to coordinate body language with verbal language appropriately and vividly.