Economic Statistics


Release Date: 2022-04-27

    1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 040223
Course Name: Econometrics
Course Type: Specialty Course
Periods: 48
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates majoring in economics or management
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Linear Algebra, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Higher Algebra

    2. Course Introduction

Econometrics is a branch of economics and subject of applied economics developed from mathematical economics, economic statistics and mathematical statistics. Based on the qualitative analysis of socioeconomic phenomena, econometrics investigates how to use econometric methods to quantitatively describe the relations of economic variables with random characteristics. This course consists of three parts: single equation regression model, classic-assumption violated econometric question, and simultaneous equation mod-kinds, as well as its applications. The course is a required course for the specialties of economics, and is suitable for high-grade undergraduate students of every economic specialty. Through the study of the course, students are required to grasp the basic theory and main modeling methods of econometrics, to understand the basic content and procedures of econometric analytical work, and to be able to practically operate econometric software packages.