Course Code: 060913
Course Name: Big Data Analysis Theory and Apply
Course Type: Specialty Course
Periods: 48
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates majoring in Economics or Management
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Linear Algebra
The course is about the theory, methods and tools of data mining, statistical learning and pattern recognition in data mining, statistical learning and pattern recognition, which is applied to data mining, data mining and application. The goal of theoretical study is to make students master the analysis and modeling of complex data. The goal of the method is to make the students learn to develop the data in accordance with the rules and data mining. The application of statistical series of teaching materials and data analysis: methods and applications. The contents of the ten chapters: the big data analysis, data mining process, guided learning, unsupervised learning, Bias classification and causal learning, high dimensional regression and variable selection, graph model, customer relationship management, social network analysis, natural language model and text mining.