International Business

Global Marketing Management

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 062133
Course Name: Global Marketing Management
Course Type: Specialty course
Periods: 48
Credits: 3
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in International Business
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory courses: Management

2. Course Introduction

Global marketing management aims to introduce the basic theory, basic knowledge and skills of international marketing. The content includes the basic principles of global marketing, global marketing environment, global marketing research, global marketing strategy, and global marketing strategy fix. Global marketing has the characteristics of environmental adaptability, theoretical system and application flexibility. Through the study and discussion, students can systematically master the principles of marketing and its application in international marketing, and comprehensively understand the development trend of international market environment , and preliminarily master the basic theory and basic methods of how to get into the international market and develop international marketing mix strategy, which can cultivate and improve the ability to analyze and solve all kinds of problems in international marketing.