International Economics and Trade

Multinational Corporation Management

Release Date: 2022-04-27

1.Basic Course Information

Course Code : 06053
Course Name: Multinational Corporation Management
Course Type: Specialty Course
Periods: 54
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Economics
Preparatory Course: International trade 

2.Brief Course Introduction

Multinational Corporation Management is one of the basic courses for the majors of International Economics and Trade, and of strong theoretical and practical use. The main research objects of this course are multinational companies, with particularemphasis put on the internal management and operation system of these firms. This course is designed to enable students to have a deep understanding of multinational corporations which are currently the most important part of current economy, and to grasp their nature and characteristics, to fully understand the basic concepts and theories of management methods, way of organization of these companies. Based on the above studies, China's opening up strategy and foreign investment policies would be deeply learned by students who will form a solid foundation in their future work in the related fields of business management and international business practice.