
Interest Theory

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course code: 054212
Course Name: Theory of Interest
Course Type: professional compulsory courses
Periods: 32
Credit: 2
Target Students: Undergraduate Students Majoring in Insurance and Finance
Assessment Method: Examination
Preparatory Course: Advanced Mathematics, Insurance, Finance

2.Course Introduction

Interest theory is a subject which uses the principle of mathematics and finance to calculate and analyze the interest rates in investment and financing, yield, and separation technology of capital and interest. It is a finance specialized course including knowledge from fields of mathematics, finance, investment and financing practice, it is also the foundation of actuarial courses. The course focuses on elaborating the interest theory, teaches how to determine the annuity rate and calculate the yield, and analysis technology of capital and interest. This theoretical knowledge lays a solid mathematical foundation for students to work in financial and insurance departments.