Mr. Lin Xunliang, born in Guangdong, 1960, Professor of the Logistics Management Department, Master Supervisor in Enterprise Management
Contact Information
1978-1982 Bachelor of Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou
1985-1988 Master of Economics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou
Work Experience
1982.07-1985.08 Lecturer
Department of Wireless Communications and Electronics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou
1988.7-2005.4 Department Manager,CEO
State-owned Trading and Logistics Company
2005.5- Present - Associate Professor, Head of Logistics Department, Professor
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou
Research Interests
Service Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Selected Publications
- Xunliang Lin and Ting Chen. Influence of Transport Development Level on Social Logistic Costs in China. ASCE (ICLEM 2014) &EI, 2014: 780-788.
- Xunliang, Lin. An Empirical Study on the Influence Factors of Firm Innovation based on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. ICEE 2011-Proceedings), 2011:5792-5795
- LIN Xunliang, CHEN Youxing, XU Hui. Mathematical Model of Risk Effect of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Interests of the Mechanism. RRM 2010(Beijing Institute of Technology Press):36-44
- LIN Xunliang. Analysis of Customer-Oriented Highway Service Quality Measuring System [J]. Management Reviews (in Chinese), 2012, 08:135-144.
- LIN Xunliang. Logistics and Supply Chain Management (2nd ed.), 2013.
- LIN Xunliang. Principles of Logistics (2nd ed.), 2010.
Grants & Projects
- Principle investigator of many provincial level research grants , engaged in many local government's projects.
Awards & Honors
- Best Paper Award in 12th China Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, China Society of Logistics, 2013.11
- Best Paper Award in 11th China Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, China Society of Logistics, 2012.11
- Best Paper Award in 10th China Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, China Society of Logistics, 2011.11
- Best Paper Award in 9th China Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, China Society of Logistics, 2010.11
- Best Paper Award in 8th China Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, China Society of Logistics, 2009.11
- Best Paper Award in 5th China Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, China Society of Logistics, 2006.11
Courses Taught
- Logistics Principles (Undergraduate)
- International Logistics(Undergraduate)
- Service Operations Management(Undergraduate)
- Supply Chain Management(Postgraduate)
- Supply Chain Finance(Postgraduate)
- Service Operations Management(Postgraduate)
- Logistics Systems Design and Planning(Postgraduate)
Professional Services
- Vice President of Guangdong Society of Logistics and Supply Chain