Logistics Management

Yang Mingming

Release Date: 2017-09-22

 Li Boxun, male, Ethnicity: Han, born in 1981, Foshan city in Guangdong province, is an associate professor in logistics department, and a graduate supervisor of business administration mayor. He is supported by “Thousand hundred ten talents cultivation project” and the excellent young teachers program of Guangdong province. 

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2000-2004, Bachelor’s degree of Engineering,Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha;

2005-2008, Master of Management,Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan;

2008-2011, Doctor of Management, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou. 

Work Experience

2012.2 – 2013.12, Lecturer, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, College of Business Administration, Guangzhou. 

2014.1 – Present, Associate professor, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, College of Business Administration, Guangzhou. 

Research Interest

Supply chain management, Inventory management, System simulation

Selected Publications

Bai-Xun Li, Yong-Wu Zhou, Ji-zi Li, Shi-ping Zhou. Contract Choice Game of Supply Chain Competition at both Manufacturer and Retailer Levels [J] ,International Journal of Production Economics,2013, 143, 189-197. (Index by SSCI and SCI)

Bai-Xun Li, Yong-Wu Zhou, Xiong-zhi Wang. Equilibrium analysis of distribution channel structures under power imbalance and asymmetric information [J], International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(9):2699-27016. (Index by SSCI and SCI)

Bai-Xun Li, Yong-Wu Zhou, Sheng-dong Wang. The decision model of vertical structure under Stackelberg game among supply chain [J] ,Science Research Management,2012, 33(12):50-58.

Grants & Projects

National Natural Science Foundation of China,Contract type and operational strategies with sales effort under supply chain competition,200000RMB, 2015.1 -2017.12. 

Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education in China, Humanities and Social Science Research Projects,Research  on  strategies  of  innovation  investment  of competing supply chains under capital constraints, 80000RMB, 2013.6 -2016.6.

Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, Research  on  store in store channel structure and contract strategies under supply chains competition with sale effort, 100000RMB, 2015.1 -2018.1.

Excellent young teachers program of Guangdong province, Research on channel structure and operational strategies under supply chains competition, 150000RMB, 2014.12 -2017.12.

Awards & Honors

Second prize, Guangdong province 2012-2013 outstanding achievement in philosophy and social sciences.

Courses Taught

Supply chain management(Undergraduate)

Inventory control and management(Undergraduate)

Simulation practice(Undergraduate)

Logistics system analysis and design (Undergraduate)

Distribution channel management (Postgraduate)

Professional Services

Reviewer for《European Journal of Operational Research》、《Omega, The International Journal of Management Science》、《International Journal of Production Economics》、《International Journal of Production Research》、《Journal of the Operational Research Society》.