School of Greater Bay Area Film and Television Industry
Bachelor Programs


Release Date: 2022-05-11

1. Training Objectives

Cultivate good humanistic quality, artistic accomplishment and aesthetic ability, adapt to the development of the digital age and the information society, master the basic knowledge, basic theories and methods of animation, comics, game design creation, production and application of related tools, can be used in film and television media and Innovative professionals engaged in the planning, creation, production, dissemination, operation or management of animation and comics in the cultural industry related fields.

2. Training Requirements

1)Knowledge requirements: Master the basic theory and basic knowledge of animation, be familiar with the artistic trend of thought related to animation art, understand the history of animation at home and abroad, and have a certain degree of understanding of related social sciences, humanities and natural sciences.

2)Ability requirements: Proficient in basic animation production methods, animation derivatives planning, development and other business skills, able to undertake specific division of labor or overall coordination tasks in the animation production process, and have strong business innovation capabilities; Marketing knowledge of the center, resource organization and project management knowledge centered on film and television industry management.

3)Quality requirements: have a healthy physical and psychological quality, have a morally sound personality, have the ability to think innovatively, be good at communication and exchange, and be full of teamwork spirit.

3. Core Disciplines

Theatre and Film Studies

4.Professional Class

Theatre and Film Studies

5. Professional Core Curriculum

Digital animation foundation, film and television audio-visual language, animation motion law, animation character design, animation scene design, animation script creation, animation sound design, 3D animation technology, post-synthesis technology, animation derivative development, film and television industry overview, etc.

6. Standard Length Of Study

four years

7. Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Arts