School of Public Finance and Taxation
Bachelor Programs

Asset Assessment

Release Date: 2017-09-22

Asset Assessment: Based on the theory of economics and management, this programr aims to train the students to be specialized and application-oriented talents. Students will develop the solid assets evaluation  knowledge, master the modern specialized asset valuation technology and methods, and should be able to work in the intermediary institutions, enterprises, and real estate government management department. The students will present their specialized knowledge, professional and comprehensive ability, innovative spirit and practice ability when graduate.

Major courses: Public Finance, Introduction to Assets Evaluation, Financial Management, Statistics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Finance, Economic Law, Management Information System, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Fiscal Investment and Financing, Chinese Tax System, Introduction to Construction, Enterprise Value Assessment, Intangible Assets Evaluation, Real Estate Evaluation, Evaluation of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, Cost and Management Accounting, Real Estate Economics, Stock Economics, Capital Operation Theory, Securities Investment Theory, Budget for Construction Project , Senior Financial Accounting, Auditing, Project Evaluation, Tax Base Assessment, Asset Evaluation Case Analysis, Asset Appraisal Rules and Guidelines.