Master of Insurance

Social Security Studies

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name Social Security Studies Course Number Z1602001
Course Semester The first semester Course Time 36 Credit 2
Course Type ☑Obligatory Courses      □Elective Courses
Institute Master of Insurance Education Center Applicable Major Master of Insurance
Assessment method ☑Examination        □Test
Advanced courses Western economics/ Sociology/ Public Finance
Teacher Xiaodan Wang
Teaching Objectives
The main purpose of this course Requires students to learn widely systematically and understand social security theory and basic knowledge is, They shall learn by heart social security concept characteristics, they Also can use the social security concept figures out income distribution to guarantee social members production. its trains and improves their knowledge to analyze social security problems in the practice and the ability to solve problems, in order to fit in with socialist market economic systems requirements of social security management.
1.Require students to know the basic social security theory and its evolution -social security systems production and development social security function characteristic and details.
2.Analyzed theory of social security and practice in China by Chinas actual conditions to know the relation problems and the trend  of social security reform system.
Teaching Contents
Social security is an emerging discipline ,which widely involved involves economics, sociology, management, demographic , insurance and law. As an emerging discipline of social security, it's a science that studies human social security practices activity and its law of development . It through studying the nature and phenomenon of human social security activity, the main body and object, the generation and development of social security system, function and principle, system and content, principle and operation, researching social security and the relationship between the social and economic development, revealing human activities and the law of development of social security system of social security we can promote legalization of social security system and social security management and standardization. Social security research can be used as an Optional course of for professionals .Through the study of" social security study" , students can understand basic theory and basic methods of social security, grasp the basic content of social security system, and train to adapt to China's labor and social security management, commercial insurance and other senior talents needed.
Outline Designer Xiaodan Wang Date 2015.**.**