Technology Economy and Management

E-Commerce Management

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course NameE-Commerce ManagementCourse Number
Course Semester4Course Time36Credit2
Course Type□Obligatory Courses    ☑ Elective Courses
InstituteInstitute of E.C.Applicable MajorTechnical, Economics and Management
Assessment method□Examination           ☑ Test
Advanced courses/
TeacherLIU, Yichun      LIANG, Liequan
Teaching Objectives
"E-commerce management" is an interdisciplinary course and an important elective basic course for the technical, economy and management majors. This course aims to study and introduce the theory, method, technology and application of e-commerce based on classical cases of e-commerce.              
Studying this course, candidates understand the development trend, the main issues of e-commerce, and master different research methods, ultimately improving the candidates' abilities to analyze and solve problems.
Teaching Contents
"E-commerce management" includes concepts and models, structure and operating mechanisms of the electronics market, B2C, B2B, consumer behavior, online advertising, online marketing, on-line payment and security, the type and mechanism of on-line auction, website design principles and frameworks, strategy and planning, legal and ethical impact of e-commerce.
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