Business Management

Research Methods for Management

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name Research Methods for Management Course Code
Course Semester 2nd Course Time 54 hours Credit 33 Credits
Course Type √ Obligatory Courses    □ Elective Courses
Institute School of Business Administration Applicable Major Management, Accounting, Tourism
Assessment method √Examination       □ Test
Advanced courses Management, Econometrics, Statistics, Probability, Calculus
Teacher Li Xiaolin ,  Huang Liang
Teaching Objectives
The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to quantitative and qualitative methods for conducting meaningful inquiry and research. It will provide an opportunity for participants to establish or advance their understanding in research through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. Thus, the objectives of this course are as follows:
To provide students with the tools and skills required to understand research terminology and assess published research;
To identify the types of methods best suited for investigating different types of problems and questions;
To develop research questions that are based on and build upon a critical appraisal of existing research;
To design a research proposal; and
To begin initial preparations for embarking on a new research project.
Teaching Contents
Introduction to management research methods
Literature review
Theoretical construction
Measurement and questionnaire
Design and Evaluation of empirical study
Data compilation and analysis
The relationships between variables and their logics
Structural equation modelling
Multilevel modelling
Panel data analysis
Psychological experimental designing
Paper writing
Outline Designer Li,Xiaolin   Huang, Liang Date