Management Science and Engineering

Big Data Management and Analysis Method

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name Big Data Management and Analysis Method Course Number
Course Semester 2 Course Time 36 Hours Credit 2 credits
Course Type □Obligatory Courses     √ Elective Courses
Institute Information Science School Applicable Major Management Science & Engineering
Assessment method □ Examination          √ Test
Advanced courses Modern data management
Teacher Zhu Shuren
Teaching Objectives
More and more applications rely on to big data, these large data attributes, including the number, speed, diversity, and does the complexity of the growing complexity, so big data management and analysis methods in big data field is particularly important, can be said to determine whether the final information is a decisive factor in the value of. Therefore, through the study of this course, students master the basic method of data management and analysis, and have the basic data management and application ability.
Teaching Contents
Understanding the properties of large data, including the number, speed, diversity, and so are the complexity of large data continues to grow. Understanding of big data three ideas: to all do not sample, the efficiency is not absolutely accurate, to the relevant do not cause and effect. Master basic data processing procedures: collection, import and preprocessing, statistics and analysis, and mining. Can solve practical problems by using big data analysis method, including Predictive Analytic Capabilities, Data Quality and Master Data Management, Analytic Visualizations, semantic engines, data mining algorithms.
Outline Designer Zhu Shuren Date 2015.10.10