
Statistical theory and method reserach

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name Statistical theory and method research Course Number
Course Semester 1 Course Time 54 Credit 3
Course Type ☑Obligatory Courses    □ Elective Courses
Institute School of Economic & Trade Applicable Major Statistics
Assessment method ☑Examination           □ Test
Advanced courses Intermediate macro and microeconomics, Theory of Statistics, Money and Banking, Accountancy
Teacher Hong Lin
Teaching Objectives
Thorough the course, the Statistics graduate students will achieve a grasp of how to sorting and analyze the basic theories of social economic phenomenon's from an microeconomic viewpoint, to reflect their characteristics, relations and laws.
The teaching purposes of this course include:
1.Graduate studies basic theory of statistical framework,  will achieve a  grasp of statistics in application and an ability to analyze the important role of social economy, understand the statistical description,the basic content and method for statistical inference.
2.Graduate students can independently accomplish information collection, sorting, and analysis, for the purpose of social and economic studies as well as provide a quantitative analysis on the basis of the basic theory of statistical methods.
3. Graduate students can understand and use the analysis method including national economic accounting and other methods investigate and study important theories introduced during the course, methods and practical problems .Also, they should grasp the associated degree thesis, social and economic problems of statistical survey, sorting, analysis of key ideas and research paradigms.
4.Graduate students understand the basic operation of statistical software, combining experiment courses or a research project, master the basic skills of statistical research and program analysis.
Teaching Contents
This course includes origin and development of statistics, object of statistical research and statistical process and design, statistical investigation, statistical sorting, statistical, time series analysis, correlation and regression analysis, statistical index, sampling distribution, statistical inference, variance analysis, hypothesis testing, nonparametric statistics, statistical decision, etc.
Outline Designer Hong Lin Date 2015.11.02.**.**