
Intermediate microeconomics

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course basic information
Course name Intermediate microeconomics Course code 110046
Chinese name Intermediate Micro Economics
Course category □ Course basic information public degree courses
☑ Basic degree course  □ Public required course
□ Professional required course □ Professional elective course
□ Public elective courses
Starts in: The first semester School 54 Credits 3
Course units College of economics and trade Applicable to professional The graduate economics and management
Assessment method ☑ Test (shut) □Test (open book)
□ Examination paper (course) □ Check (book report)
□ Check (literature review)□Others
Result of Ordinary Performance 30% The final results 70%
Ap courses Elementary economics, economic, academic history and economic mathematical basis
Teachers' team Weishi Yan、Gang He、Hongfang Xiong、Changzhou He、Fangfang Wang、Yang Zhong
Teaching objectives
For completing elementary microeconomics skills as well as the primary macroeconomics course of economics for graduate students,the intermediate microeconomics course in economics  familiarizes students with principle and intuitive experience cases, on the basis of using mathematical tools such as calculus, it furthers in-depth comprehensive teaching of the basic theory of modern economics and the analysis methods, in combination with practical examples of China's reform and development, inspires the students to obtain good analysis skills and solve of existing  problems and train their economic thinking abilities , make them learn the basic methods of economic models
1. master the basic concept of intermediate microeconomics, logical clues and the analysis method,
2. Understand complicated economic problems, be fluent in economic analysis of agent constraints to maximize quality in decision-making
3. To provide Solutions in both theory and practice
Course content abstract
Microeconomics and macroeconomics are two pillars of modern economics. In the process of learning and teaching, because there is rigorous mathematical reasoning and a basic model of micro economics the professor has already formed a particular logical system.
Microeconomics mainly studies the market mechanism to solve the problem of scarce resource configuration. It tries to further the study of economic behaviors of individual economic units, to illustrate the operation of market mechanism and the function of modern society and how to improve it lectures a priority to, theory analysis, calculation and methods such as case study, to combine theory with practice, to cultivate an economical way of thinking and enable them to think about all kinds of economic problems.
Distribution of teaching hours
The teaching content school Teaching methods * On teachers'
The first chapter introduction
1. Overview: hypothesis, basic concepts and problems, the nature of the study
2. Market, price and the equilibrium analysis tools
3. Collection of in-depth investigation
3 Lecture
The second chapter of supply and demand and the elasticity theory
1. Supply, demand, supply and demand changes, the quantity of supply and demand changes
2. The balance of supply and demand, the market mechanism
3. The elasticity and its application in 3 lectures and discussion
3 Lectures and discussion
The third chapter the consumption theory
1. Utility theory: preference, the utility function, display preferences
2. Consumer equilibrium, utility maximization
3. The derivation of the demand curve
4. Mr Base equation
5. Price and income changes affect consumer equilibrium
6. Consumer surplus
3 Lectures and discussion
The fourth chapter production theory
1. The production function, technology and its constraints
2. The law of diminishing marginal output
3 Lectures and discussion
3.The short-term and long-term profit maximization, cost minimization, producer equilibrium
4.The amount of the payment
3 Lectures and discussion
The fifth chapter the cost theory
1. Accounting cost, economic cost, sunk costs and incremental cost
2. The cost function: short-term and long-term
3 Lectures and discussion
3. Economies of scale
4. The range of economic
5. The learning curve
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter six competitive market
1. The competitive market
2. Competing firms yield curve, the profit maximization principle: principle of MR = MC
3. The short-term and long-term equilibrium, competing firms, short-term and long-term supply curve
4. Economic rent, price controls, taxes, subsidies, quotas
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 7 monopoly market
1. Monopoly market characteristics, market power to measure: number of NASDAQ
2. The demand monopoly companies face and the yield curve
3. Short-term and long-term equilibrium
4. The monopoly manufacturer price and output decision, the choice of three types of differential pricing
5. A natural monopoly and competition in the market
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 8 monopoly competition market
1. The characteristics of monopoly competition market
2. The subjective and objective demand curve
3. The short-term and long-term equilibrium
4. The difference of quality and brand competition, advertising and other promotional activities
5. The advantages and disadvantages of excess production capacity
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 9 Oligopoly market with game theory
1. The oligopoly market characteristics, concentration
2. The preliminary game theory: Nash equilibrium, Nash bargaining solution, the best policy  equilibrium, minimizing strategy
3 Lectures and discussion
3. The interdependence and response curve
4. Types of oligarchic competition models
5. Entrance strategies
6. conspiracy: the stability of cartels
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 10 factor market and distribution theory
1. The factor market characteristics, the tenor of the allocation theory, competitive and non-competitive
2. The seller's monopoly
3. The buyer monopoly
4.Bilateral monopoly
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 11 A general equilibrium and welfare economics
1. General equilibrium and partial equilibrium
2. Summary of welfare economics
3. The Pareto optimality and improvement, ache box figure
4. The two theorems of welfare economics
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 11 externalities and public goods
1. External overview
2. The Pigou tax and coase theorem and its limitations
3. The characteristics of public goods, the free rider and tragedy of the Commons
4. Public goods supply and demand
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 12 information and incentives
1. Causes of an incomplete or asymmetric information
2. The problem of adverse selection
3. The problem of moral hazard
4. Principal-agent and motivation
3 Lectures and discussion
Chapter 13 of the distorted market mechanism and government function
1. The market mechanism of twists and turns
2. The role of the government
3. Microeconomic policies
3 Lectures and discussion
teaching material and teaching resources

(1) teaching material
1. The speaker's teaching material
[1] Ping xinqiao microeconomics 18 speak, Peking University press, 2001
[2] Van. Microeconomics: modern view [M]. Shanghai: due publishing house, 2012.
2. The other materials

(2) the reading list
[1] Dick, Rubin field: microeconomics (eighth edition), renmin university of China publishing house, 2013

(3) Recommended journal articles
[1] Giuseppe A . Forgionne, "Economic Tools Used by Management in Large American Operated Corporations," Business Economics 19 (April 1984)
[2] John H. Kagel, Raymond C. Battalio, Howerd Rachahin & Leonard Green, "Demand Curves for Animal"(1980)
[3] Robert S. Pindyck, The Structure of World Energy Demand (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1979)
[4] James M. Poterba, Money in the Utility Function: An Empirical Implementation, MIT (1988)
[5] Allen c. Goodman & Masahiro Kawai, "functional Form, Sample Selection, and Housing Demand," Journal of Urban Economics 20 (Sept. 1986)
[6] Kenneth R. MacCrimmon & Donald A. Wehrung, "The Risk In-Basket," Journal of Business 57 (1984)
[7] Lester Thurow, "The Productive Problem," Technology Review (1980)
[8] Martin N. Baily, "What Has Happened to Productivity Growth?" Science 10 (1986)
[9] Elizabeth E. Baily & Ann F. Friedlaender, "Market Structure and Multiproduct Industries", Journal of Economic Literature 20 (Sept. 1982)
[10] Robert A. Pollak & Terence J. Wales , "Price-Augmenting Returns to Scale: An Application to Nonseparable Two-Stage Technologies",The Review of Economics and Statistics , Vol. 74, No. 2. (May, 1992)
[11] Lawrence B. Pulley & Yale M. Braunstein, " A Composite Cost Function for Multiproduct Firms With An Application to Economies of Scope in Banking ", The Review of Economics and Statistics , Vol. 74, No. 2. (May, 1992).
[12] Chakravarthi Narasimhan, "A Price discrimination Theory of Coupons," Marketing Science 12 (Spring 1984)
[13] Richard L. Schmalensee, "Commodity Bunding by Single-Product Monopolies," Journal of Law and Economics 25 (April 1982)
[14] Julio J. Rotemberg & Garth Saloner, "Collusive Price Leadership," Journal of Industrial Economics,2 (1990).
[15] David Kreps & Jose Scheinkman, "Quantity Precommitment and Bertrand Competition Yield Cournot Outcomes," Bell Journal of Economics 14 (1983)
[16] Crescenzio Gallo , A Game Theoretic Approach to Computer Science: Survey and Research Directions ( 2005 )
[17] George A. Akerlof, "The Market for 'Lemons': Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism," Quarterly Journal of Economics (Aug. 1970)
[18] Eugene Fama, "Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm," Journal of Political Economy 88 (1980)
[19] Kenneth Lehn, "Information Asymmetries in Baseball's Free-Agent Market," Economic Inquiry (1984)

(4) Learning websites, Economics of education scientific research network ;  Guoyan web ; ; / Economics amphitheatre ;  
The state council development research center, information network ;  
The national bureau of economic research ;  The world bank ;  The international monetary fund ;  

(5) Other

outline by Gang He、Weishi Yan Prepare the date On June 8, 2014
Outline of authorization person
(Head of the subject)
Honghong Liu Approval date On June 10, 2014