English Language and Literature

A General Introduction to Foreign Linguistics

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name A General Introduction to Foreign Linguistics Course Number S4101001
Course Semester 1 Course Time 54 Credit 3
Course Type ☑Obligatory Courses     □Elective Courses
Institute School of foreign Studies Applicable Major English Language and Literature
Assessment method ☑Examination           □ Test
Advanced courses General Linguistics
Teacher Chen Dongchun
Teaching Objectives
The course A General Introduction to Foreign Linguistics is aimed at guiding the students to master and understand the development of contemporary western linguistics and theories of various linguistic schools. It will enable the students to have a more comprehensive understanding of linguistics and the relationship between linguistics and the other disciplines, and induce a habit of critical thinking about linguistics.
Teaching Contents
Based on the students' knowledge about general linguistics, this course will discuss the origin, development of various linguistic schools, their theories and reveal the interrelations of various schools. This way, it will facilitate students of M.A. with an understanding of the nature of language, the universal phenomenon of language, and the basic theory of linguistics from a microscopic perspective and the history of linguistic from a macroscopic perspective.
Outline Designer Chen Dongchun Date