Marxism Theory

Professional English

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name Professional English Course Number
Course Semester 4 Course Time 36 Credit 2
Course Type ☑Obligatory Courses     □Elective Courses
Institute School of Marxism Applicable Major Marxist Theory
Assessment method □Examination           ☑ Test
Advanced courses N/A
Teacher Liu Guofeng  Ma Jinjie
Teaching Objectives
Based on comprehensive practice in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, the postgraduates can communicate on a basic level with the foreign scholars, ,also they can read basic English materials and finish English papers independently.
Teaching Contents
The view of morality of in Marxism, the view of equality in Marxism; Socrates and his views on courage wisdom, etc.; Aristotle's view of on the Golden Mean; Locke's theory of moral education; Adam Smiths basic views of on sympathy; the basic view of moral education in Emile, or On Education;  Dewey's basic view of on philosophy of education; Kohlberg's basic view on the psychology of moral development.
Outline Designer Liu Guofeng Date