Marxism Theory

Studies of Chinas Modernization

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name Studies on Chinas Modernization Course Number 220114
Course Semester 3 Course Time 36 Credit 2
Course Type ☑Obligatory Courses     □Elective Courses
Institute School of Marxism Applicable Major Marxist Theory
Assessment method ☑Examination           □ Test
Advanced courses Marxist Theory; Fundamental Issues in Modern and Contemporary China
Teacher Liu Ying, Hu Ying
Teaching Objectives
The course is designed to provide provoking insights for students to enhance their comprehension and dissection into the theory and practice concerning the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. For the purpose of such enlightenment, it introduces the theories of sinicization of Marxism with case studies of Chinas modernization, in application of theoretical and historical comparative analysis.
Through this course, students are required to:
1. further comprehend and have good knowledge of the basic theory, the logical clue and the analytic methodology of the sinicization of Marxism  as well as the modernization theories and their respective methodologies;
2. Be up to date with the latest information on studies of Chinas modernization; apply Marxism with independent thinking to practical problems
Teaching Contents
The course introduces the theories of sinicization of Marxism and the modernization theories of the Western world; discusses the process and dynamics of Chinas modernization; studies with in-depth analysis explore the diverse issues in the process of Chinas modernization regarding democracy, social stabilization, traditional culture, peasants, economics, international factors and so on. Through lectures and seminars, the students shall be able to dissect and research the modernization issues in contemporary China from a Marxist stance, and by Marxist methodology.
Outline Designer Liu Ying, Hu Ying Date 2015.10