National Economics

The Theory of Economic Growth

Release Date: 2017-09-21
Course Name The Theory of Economic Growth Course Number
Semester 1 Course Time 36 Credit 2
Course Type ☑ Obligatory Courses     □Elective Courses
Institute National Economy Research Center Applicable Major National Economics
Assessment method ☑Examination           □ Test
Advanced courses Macroeconomics
Teacher Ying Chai Xia Ding
Teaching Objectives
The course focuses on laying a solid foundation of concept and empirical analysis. Through teaching the classical models and tools, students will fully understand the path of a nation's economic growth and development in the international and domestic surroundings will also use the systematical principles they learned to explain the phenomenon of growth and development of a region independently, identify the key problems in development and try to figure an approach  towards it
Teaching Contents
Introduction of economic growth, Material capital, the impact of population growth to economic growth, Human resources, economic growth of typical region, economic growth and economic development, China's economic growth quality report, Hot issues of economic growth in China, Prospects for China's economic growth and social development, Review and Q & A.
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