招生简章Enrollment Guide


GDUFE 2024 International Students Prospectus for Doctor Degree Program

 (Fall 2024 Intake)


Guangdong University of Finance & Economics (GDUFE) was founded in 1983 and it was authorized to confer doctor’s degrees since 2021.There are two campuses each located in Guangzhou city and Foshan city which are both core cities of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Greater Bay Area, covering a total area of about 150 hectares. Guangzhou Campus is located in the core area of Pazhou National AI and Digital Economy Demonstration Center, with walking distance to Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center where Canton Fair is annually held, and Foshan campus is located within the scenic Yundonghai Tourism Economic District in Foshan City.学校坚持商法融合、实践创业、多元协同办学特色,经过40年发展,已经建设成为一所学科特色鲜明、师资力量雄厚、办学效益显著、社会影响力较高的综合性财经大学。学校以经济学、管理学、法学为主体,文学、理学、工学、艺术学等多学科协同发展,现有66个本科专业、1个博士学位授权一级学科点、28个硕士学位授权学科点(含9个一级学科、1个二级学科、18个专业学位点)。现有全日制本科生、研究生32000多人。现有专任教师近1600人,其中博士学位教师占比约55%,具有海外经历的教师占比约26%;有国家级等各类人才近70人次。近三年来,学校承担国家社科重大重点、教育部重大课题攻关项目等省部级以上项目320余项,获省部级以上科研成果奖9项。学校与全球30多个国家和地区的70余所高校、科研院所开展国际化教育项目合作。

Since its establishment, the university has characteristics of integration of business and law, practical entrepreneurship, and diverse collaboration. After 40 years of development, GDUFE has become a finance and economics institution with distinct disciplinary characteristics, strong teaching staff, significant educational achievement, high social influence and reputation. GDUFE offers 66 bachelor programs, among which, 18 are listed as “First-class” key national undergraduate programs, 16 as outstanding programs of provincial level. There are 1 doctoral degree conferring discipline, 9 first-level disciplines, 1 second-level discipline offering master degree programs , and 18 professional master programs. The total enrollment of full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students is over 32,000. It boasts nearly 1600 full-time faculty, 55% of whom are doctorate holders, 26% have overseas study experience, and 70 of them are listed as national-level talents. In the past three years, GDUFE has undertaken over 320 key scientific research projects at ministerial level and national level. It has established partnerships with more than 70 universities and scientific research agencies around the globe.

一、招生专业 Programs

1经济学院School of Economics产业经济学Industrial Economics
2数字经济学Digital Economics
3国际贸易学International Trade
4财政税务学院School of Public Finance and Taxation财政学Public Finance
5金融学院School of Finance金融学Finance

二、 学习方式和学习年限 Study form and duration

1. 学习方式为全日制。

Full-time study

2. 学制四年,学习年限为4-6年。

Duration of the programs is 4 years, with the maximum of 6 years.


三、申请资格 Eligibility

1. 申请人须是非中国国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度。

The applicant should be non-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passports, and should be good in physical and mental health and shall abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules of school.

2. 申请人须具有硕士以上学位(申请时尚未毕业须提供预毕业证明,最迟在入学前取得硕士学位证书。年龄一般在40周岁以下。

Applicants should hold Master’s degree or above, and should be under the age of 40. Applicants who have not graduated can provide expected graduation certificate for submitting application while the official degree must be provided before enrollment.

3. 申请人须满足语言水平要求(证书须在有效期内) 。

Applicants should meet the corresponding language level requirements (The language proficiency certificate must be within the validity period).

* 母语为汉语或英语者经我校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。

* Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.


四、申请时间及流程 Application Time and Method

1. 申请时间 Application Time


From January 20 to May 31, 2024

2. 申请流程 Application Procedure

 点击网址报名Please click this website and applyhttps://gdufe.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx


Tuition fees and scholarship and other fees

1. 报名费: 500

Application Fee: 500RMB

2. 学费:25000/

Tuition Fee : 25,000 RMB/year

账号Account number714657755062

开户Opening bank中国银行广州新港中路支Guangzhou Xingangzhonglu Branch, Bank of China

开户名Account name广东财经大学

4. 奖学金和补助Scholarship and Allowances


   Education Fund for freshman: 40,000 RMB for qualified candidates


Academic ScholarshipAll doctoral students will be awarded Academic Scholarship10000 RMB/person/year.


Doctoral Students AllowanceDoctoral supervisors provide an annual allowance of no less than 12,000 yuan for their international doctoral students, which is used for scientific research or academic exchanges. 

六、申请材料 Application Materials

1. 广东财经大学入学申请表(见附件1)


2. 硕士毕业证书、学位证书。应届毕业生可提供就读大学出具的预毕业证明原件(入学前必须取得毕业证书,入学时将查验)。

Certificate and diploma of Master's degree. Graduates shall provide pre-graduation certificate. Those who have not graduated from master program submit a pre-graduation certificate which shows your expected graduation time and present your original certification, transcripts, and translations when you register.

3. 硕士阶段全部课程的成绩单

The transcripts of all courses during postgraduate period

4. 两封推荐信(教授或副教授出具,中文/英文书写,须有推荐人姓名和联系方式)

Two Letters of Recommendation (Signed by professors or associate professors in Chinese or English with the name of the referral and contact information)

5. 一份个人陈述(1500字左右,用英文或中文撰写。内容应包括:拟报读专业与导师、个人学习与工作经历、学术研究成果,尤其是来粤学习、研究计划等)

One piece of Self-statement (around 1500 words, and written in English or Chinese, and should include: the intended major and supervisor, personal experience of study and work, academic research results, especially study and research plan for doctoral program etc.)

6. 护照个人信息页

Scanned Copy of Passport Info Page

7. 护照照片

Passport Photo 

8. 《意向导师推荐信》

A Letter of Recommendation from potential supervisor.

9. 语言水平证明 Language Proficiency Certificate

(1)中文授课 taught in Chinese:


HSK 5 with scores above 180

(2)英文授课 taught in English:


English proficiency certificate

* 母语为汉语或英语者经我校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。

Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university. 

10. 个人履历(从小学至今)(附件2)

Resume (from primary school to now) (see Attachment 2)

11. 外国人体格检查表(见附件3

Foreigner Physical Examination Form see Attachment 3)

12. 无犯罪记录证明 (原件扫描件及中文翻译件)

Non-criminal Record Report (both original and Chinese translated copies)

13. 广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金申请表(附件4)(若申请)

Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship Application Form (if apply) (See Attachment 4)

* 除上述申请材料外,申请人须根据我校的要求,按时提交其他补充材料。

In addition to the application materials detailed above, applicants should submit other supplementary materials in time to the requirements of GDUFE.

* 以上材料均须中文或英文版本,其他语种须提供翻译件和公证件。

Documents other than Chinese or English are required to be translated and notarized.

* 申请材料不全者不予受理。不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。

Applicants who provide incomplete materials will not be accepted. The materials above won’t be returned whether you are admitted or not.


七、录取流程 Admission Procedure

1. 在申请截止后,我校组织专家评审小组对申请人进行材料审核和专业考核,如有需要,可安排远程或当面面试。

After the application deadline, GDUFE will organize a panel of experts to conduct application documents review and professional assessment on the applicant. During the process, long-distance or face-to-face interviews will be conducted, if necessary.

2. 2024年6月,预录取结果将以邮件形式通知学生。

In June, 2024, pre-admission results will be sent to applicants via email.

3. 2024年7-8月,确定最终录取的学生名单,并按照学生在网上报名系统填写的邮寄地址寄送录取材料原件。

Between July and August, 2024, after confirmation of the list of admitted applicants, admission materials will be posted to applicants according to the address provided by the applicants on the application form.

4. 被录取的学生可持《录取通知书》和来华学习签证申请表(JW202)到中国使馆申请X1签证,在抵达中国后30天内将X1签证转换成学习类居留许可,逾期不办理相关手续者,将做退学处理。学校不接受持非学习类签证的学生报到入学。

Students who are accepted should apply for the X1 visa at their country’s Chinese Embassy (or Chinese Consulate) with GDUFE Admission Letter and“Visa Application for Study in China(JW202)”, and change X1 visa into a Residence permit for Foreign Students within 30 days after they enter China. Students who don’t apply for the relevant visa and residence permit will have to drop out. GDUFE doesn’t accept students with non-student visas.

5. 被录取的学生须根据《录取通知书》上的报到日期和报到地点来校报到注册,不接受学生提前报到。

Students who are accepted must register at the date and the address according to “GDUFE Admission Notice”. Registration in advance will not be accepted.

6. 报到时将核验毕业证书原件、语言水平证书等。未能提供证书或证书核验不通过者,将被取消录取资格。

The original graduation certificate, language proficiency certificate, etc. will be checked again at the time of registration. Those who fail to provide certificate documents or fail the certificate verification will have admission canceled.



Tuition fees and scholarship and other fees

1. 报名费: 500元

Application Fee: 500RMB

2. 学费:25,000元/年

Tuition Fee : 25,000 RMB/year

4. 奖学金和补助Scholarship and Allowances


   Education Fund for freshman: 10,000 RMB for qualified candidates


All doctoral students will be awarded Academic Scholarship10,000 RMB/person/year.


Doctoral supervisors provide an annual allowance of no less than 12,000 yuan for their international doctoral students, which is used for scientific research or academic exchanges. 

5. 住宿与保险

Accommodation and Insurance

1)住宿:校内宿舍设置单人间,费用为1,300 RMB/人/学期。学生需按所选房型自行缴纳住宿费。(水电费另外计收)

Accommodation: single room,1300 RMB for per student per academic year. Students need to pay for the selected type of dormitory by themselves. (Water and electricity charges are not included)


Insurance: 800RMB/year. International students should purchase ”Comprehensive Insurance for Foreigners Studying in China”under the guidance of GDUFE Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and submit insurance policy on registration day.  Those who do not purchase the insurance as required will not be able to get registered.


九、导师简介Introduction of Supervisors


Please check the website for details: https://yjsc.gdufe.edu.cn/dsdb/list.htm



Contact Information

联系人/Contact:石老师 Emma Shi


邮箱/E-mail: fao3@gdufe.edu.cn

地址:广东省广州市海珠区仑头路21号广东财经大学国际交流与合作处 510320

Add: Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, No.21 Luntou Road, Zhuhai District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong  510320



1. Attachment 1-广东财经大学国际学生入学申请表 Application Form for GDUFE Admission.docx

2. Attachment 2 International Students Resume(template)留学生个人简历(模板).doc

3. Attachment 3 physical examination form 体检表.pdf

4. Attachment 4 广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金申请表 Guangdong Government Outstanding International Students  Application form.docx