
International Advertising

Release Date: 2020-10-27

1. Basic Information

Course Code:16063203 
Course Name: International Advertising 
Course Type:Speciality Course
Periods:48 Hours 
Target Students:Class 1 and Class 2, Advertising, Class 2019 (Full section, Foshan Campus)
Assessment:Dispersion test
Preparatory Course:Principles of Advertising, Marketing, Introduction to Communication

2. A Brief Introduction to the Course

This course aims to help students to acquire professional knowledge and skills about international advertising through PBL (Project Based Learning). The fundamental rules to conduct an advertising campaign or a promotional activity in the international market are similar to conduct it in the domestic market. However, due to the complexity in the international market as well as economic and cultural differences among different countries, people have different attitudes towards advertising. In this case, it is necessary to understand how people in different countries think about advertising when making a plan for international advertising.