
International Finance

Release Date: 2020-10-21

(1) Basic Course Information

Course code: 18220564
Course Name: International Finance(Bilingual)
Course Type: Discipline Fundamental Courses
Periods: 64
Credit: 4
Target Students: Undergraduates  Majoringin Finance
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Course: Finance

(2) Course Introduction

  “International finance” is a fundamental course of finance. With the development of international finance, the connotation of multinational enterprise finance is becoming more and more mature. The course emphasizes the importance of global integration of money market and capital market. The trend of global integration provides broader financing opportunities for investors and organizations in need of funds. Investors reduce risks through international portfolio diversification to improve returns. Enterprises reduce their financing costs by finding financing channels around the world. In the face of much of foreign exchange risks and political risks, it may be daunting, but under the correct understanding, these risks will present opportunities to create value. The purpose of this course is to cultivate future leaders of multinational enterprises, enhance their management ability to integrate strategic and financial challenges in the international business environment and business, and improve their awareness of and profit from business opportunities such as imperfect markets, cost differences, production factor efficiency differences and global capital resources to promote the growth of enterprises.