Human Resource Management

Academic Paper Writing

Release Date: 2017-09-22

1. Basic Course Information

Course Code: 010451
Course Name: Academic Paper Writing
Course Type: Specialty course
Period: 32
Credits: 2
Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in Marketing
Assessment: Examination
Preparatory Courses: Marketing major courses

2. Course Description

The number of publishing academic papers and dissertations is an important factor to measure a university’s research level and a nation’s knowledge production. Without rigorous academic standards, it is difficult for a university to cultivate talents of academic research. Academic paper has great significance on modern academic research. Thus, there must be a clear standards for academic paper writing. This course will teach the students the basic skills of writing an academic paper and dissertations, such as how to conduct a literature review, how to select a research topic, and the standards of academic paper writing, the format requirement of dissertations, etc. The objective is to help the students develop a rigorous and standardized academic attitude.