Bachelor Programs


Release Date: 2017-09-22

     As Guangdong Provincial Featured Program, E-commerce combines modern information technologies and modern commerce technologies that allow students to solve problems efficiently and effectively. In today's e-commerce booming, graduates have better opportunities to work after completing their degree. In four years, students are required to learn modern information technology and information systems, economic management theory and methods, theory and practice of modern business, network business, network marketing theory and knowledge, e-commerce system analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation, and relevant laws. E-commerce is an essential aspect of business today and in the future. Make our graduates into a crucial business asset with marketable skills in commerce technology and operations and management that will make them appealing to any company. Main courses are Advanced Mathematics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management, Accounting, Network Economics, Network Marketing, Online Banking, E-Commerce, Logistics, E-Commerce Systems Development and Management, Customer Relationship Management, Mobile Commerce, Electronic Commerce Site Building, E-Commerce Case Studies, Programming, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Database Theory, Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering and Practice Of Information Security. The graduates'employment rate was 100% from 2012 to 2014 and was 99% in 2011.